``geometry`` layer ================== The ``geometry`` layer has the following geometry primitives, each stored in a separate dataset: ================ ======== ===== ===== ========== Dataset name Vertices Edges Faces Dimensions ================ ======== ===== ===== ========== ``lines`` 2 1 0 1 ``triangles`` 3 3 1 2 ``quads`` 4 4 1 2 ``hexagons`` 6 6 1 2 ``tetrahedrons`` 4 6 4 3 ``cuboids`` 8 12 6 3 ================ ======== ===== ===== ========== A vertex is a point in 3D space whose coordinates are defined as a ``(x, y, z)`` triplet, while a single coordinate is represented by a floating point number. Each dataset stores a single geometry primitive per row, and has 3 times as many columns as its corresponding geometry primitive has vertices. This is because only the coordinates are stored, and each vertex is defined by 3 coordinates. For example, the ``quads`` dataset requires 12 columns to store its coordinates, as it has 4 vertices. A single row of this dataset would be layed out like so: .. code-block:: python # Vertex "A" Vertex "B" Vertex "C" Vertex "D" # x y z x y z x y z x y z 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 Each dataset also has the following attributes attached to it: ``num_vertices`` Number of vertices, stored as an integer number. ``num_coordinates`` Number of coordinates, stored as an integer number. Equal to: ``num_vertices * 3``